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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 107- What 10 Foods Can You Not Live Without?

A reader from another blog I read, Mark's Daily Apple, asked a question that I thought was very thought-provoking. So I would like to carry the question on to my blog and ask all of you a question, what 10 foods can you not live without? Although, the question was a little more complex and dramatic that simply that.

Pretty much the scenario went like this: You have been chosen to man a mission to Mars in the near future, and the only foods that you will have access to is from a machine that will create any Earth-based foods from scratch. The only catch is that it can only store ten "recipes" and the programming has to take place before you leave. Once you are up in the shuttle you can not change your mind, so if you are up in space for 10 years those 10 foods are what you will be eating. You can choose any 10 foods that you like, but remember these foods are not just foods that will help you to survive, you may also want to consider foods that will help you thrive. You know all the things that I preach, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, etc.

Here's what I decided on (completely my opinion based on health and taste):
  1. Wild caught salmon- I couldn't image 10 years with out this delicious piece of essential fatty acid. Salmon provides Omega-3 fatty acids, selenium and Vitamin D
  2. Organic, cage-free eggs- I love eggs, and eat them on a very regular basis. Eggs are full of Acetyl-choline which will help my brain stay strong, along with a load of other important vitamins and minerals.
  3. Blueberries- A perfect snack and is a great antioxidant. If I had to chose, I would have to say that these are my favorite berries.
  4. Almond butter- Another food that I can not image my life without. I love me some almond butter, and instead of choosing a whole nut like merely almonds, I would rather have it pre-grounded for me. Although, I don't want anything added to my butter, only the nut, please. Almonds will provide me with more healthy fats, and vitamins like Vitamin E, Magnesium, and potassium.
  5. Spinach- I thought I mind need a vegetable for the next 10 years as well, so I had to think about one that I consume the most, and it had to be spinach. This will be a great vegetable to go along with both my salmon and my eggs. It will also provide me with plenty of calcium and magnesium.
  6. Cheese- Yeah, I know that there is a lot of people preaching on how important it is to avoid cheese at all cost. But, if you didn't know already, I'm not that person. I enjoy my cheese. Not just any cheese, although I'm not entirely all that picky, when it comes to cheese, but for the next 10 years, I think I will stick with goat cheese, which is probably my favorite to eat along with salmon, and doesn't go to bad with eggs either. Otherwise, just raw, grass feed cheese would do.
  7. Artichokes- Another thing that I love independently as well as combined with other foods is artichokes. They are also high in antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins.
  8. Coconuts- My all time favorite thing! I like the coconut for the water, fat, milk, and meat. It would provide me with lovely medium chain fatty acids, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, electrolytes, sunblock (in case mars is too hot for me) just to name a few.
  9. Goat's milk yogurt- I figured that I might want something to mix my blueberries in every once in awhile, and maybe my almond butter (hmmmm, haven't tried that combination before, but it could work, and if not I have 10 years or so to get use to it). This would help to keep my body supplied with healthy probiotics.
  10. Dark Chocolate- I was trying to do my top 10 without adding in chocolate, but I couldn't help it! 1o years is a long time to be up in space without all my friends and family, I think I might need the help of chocolate to keep my dopamine levels up, so that I can stay focused and happy.

Well, those were my top 10 picks to take up to space. What are yours?

Pura Vida!
Alica Ryan, NTP

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 107- What 10 Foods Can You Not Live Without?

A reader from another blog I read, Mark's Daily Apple, asked a question that I thought was very thought-provoking. So I would like to carry the question on to my blog and ask all of you a question, what 10 foods can you not live without? Although, the question was a little more complex and dramatic that simply that.

Pretty much the scenario went like this: You have been chosen to man a mission to Mars in the near future, and the only foods that you will have access to is from a machine that will create any Earth-based foods from scratch. The only catch is that it can only store ten "recipes" and the programming has to take place before you leave. Once you are up in the shuttle you can not change your mind, so if you are up in space for 10 years those 10 foods are what you will be eating. You can choose any 10 foods that you like, but remember these foods are not just foods that will help you to survive, you may also want to consider foods that will help you thrive. You know all the things that I preach, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, etc.

Here's what I decided on (completely my opinion based on health and taste):
  1. Wild caught salmon- I couldn't image 10 years with out this delicious piece of essential fatty acid. Salmon provides Omega-3 fatty acids, selenium and Vitamin D
  2. Organic, cage-free eggs- I love eggs, and eat them on a very regular basis. Eggs are full of Acetyl-choline which will help my brain stay strong, along with a load of other important vitamins and minerals.
  3. Blueberries- A perfect snack and is a great antioxidant. If I had to chose, I would have to say that these are my favorite berries.
  4. Almond butter- Another food that I can not image my life without. I love me some almond butter, and instead of choosing a whole nut like merely almonds, I would rather have it pre-grounded for me. Although, I don't want anything added to my butter, only the nut, please. Almonds will provide me with more healthy fats, and vitamins like Vitamin E, Magnesium, and potassium.
  5. Spinach- I thought I mind need a vegetable for the next 10 years as well, so I had to think about one that I consume the most, and it had to be spinach. This will be a great vegetable to go along with both my salmon and my eggs. It will also provide me with plenty of calcium and magnesium.
  6. Cheese- Yeah, I know that there is a lot of people preaching on how important it is to avoid cheese at all cost. But, if you didn't know already, I'm not that person. I enjoy my cheese. Not just any cheese, although I'm not entirely all that picky, when it comes to cheese, but for the next 10 years, I think I will stick with goat cheese, which is probably my favorite to eat along with salmon, and doesn't go to bad with eggs either. Otherwise, just raw, grass feed cheese would do.
  7. Artichokes- Another thing that I love independently as well as combined with other foods is artichokes. They are also high in antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins.
  8. Coconuts- My all time favorite thing! I like the coconut for the water, fat, milk, and meat. It would provide me with lovely medium chain fatty acids, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, electrolytes, sunblock (in case mars is too hot for me) just to name a few.
  9. Goat's milk yogurt- I figured that I might want something to mix my blueberries in every once in awhile, and maybe my almond butter (hmmmm, haven't tried that combination before, but it could work, and if not I have 10 years or so to get use to it). This would help to keep my body supplied with healthy probiotics.
  10. Dark Chocolate- I was trying to do my top 10 without adding in chocolate, but I couldn't help it! 1o years is a long time to be up in space without all my friends and family, I think I might need the help of chocolate to keep my dopamine levels up, so that I can stay focused and happy.

Well, those were my top 10 picks to take up to space. What are yours?

Pura Vida!
Alica Ryan, NTP

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