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Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Principal #2: Honor Your Hunger

Whether the reason is because you are just too busy, trying to loose weight, stuck in a place with out any food options, honor your hunger. In order to maintain enough energy to complete day to day tasks you must fuel your body with proper nutrition. Skipping meals, or going too long between meals can throw your healthy food choices out the window. Once you get to the point where you are starving, the only thing that you can think about is to EAT, and at that point the type of food becomes less important.

We probably have all experienced this feeling where we get to the point that we just need food! I know that hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) people feel this way on a daily basis. They have lost the signal in their body that tells them that they are hungry, it isn't until they are light-headed and shaky that they realize that it is time to eat.

Making an effort to keep the body fueled by eating every few hours, and not skipping meals, will help us to stick to a healthy eating plan. Once we forget to eat or wait too long, we run the risk of grabbing the first food choice we see, and face it, there are a lot more unhealthy options in our face on a regular bases than there are healthy ones.

So I encourage everyone to begin honoring your hunger, know the first signals that your body gives you that you are hungry and eat then when you still have the brain function to choose sensibly.

Pura Vida!
Alica Ryan, NTP

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Principal #2: Honor Your Hunger

Whether the reason is because you are just too busy, trying to loose weight, stuck in a place with out any food options, honor your hunger. In order to maintain enough energy to complete day to day tasks you must fuel your body with proper nutrition. Skipping meals, or going too long between meals can throw your healthy food choices out the window. Once you get to the point where you are starving, the only thing that you can think about is to EAT, and at that point the type of food becomes less important.

We probably have all experienced this feeling where we get to the point that we just need food! I know that hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) people feel this way on a daily basis. They have lost the signal in their body that tells them that they are hungry, it isn't until they are light-headed and shaky that they realize that it is time to eat.

Making an effort to keep the body fueled by eating every few hours, and not skipping meals, will help us to stick to a healthy eating plan. Once we forget to eat or wait too long, we run the risk of grabbing the first food choice we see, and face it, there are a lot more unhealthy options in our face on a regular bases than there are healthy ones.

So I encourage everyone to begin honoring your hunger, know the first signals that your body gives you that you are hungry and eat then when you still have the brain function to choose sensibly.

Pura Vida!
Alica Ryan, NTP

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