In the newsletter from Dr. Sears he points out that champagne, like wine, is packed with polyphenols, which is the antioxidant found in grapes. Polyphenols help to protect the brain and heart, and keep your blood pressure low, and increase the "feel good" chemicals in your brain.
He provides a few research journals showing the health benefits of consuming this bubbly treat. One journal shows that champagne increases nitric oxide in the body, which helps to relax blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Another journal shows that champagne contains three types of phenolic acids - tyrosol, caffeic, and gallic acid, that help to protect the brain again damage from free radicals.
It was also noted that champagne can increase dopamine, which is the "feel good" neurotransmitter in the brain; helping you to think positively and experience pleasure. Maybe this is why I always relate champagne with celebration!
A German study showed that since champagne is a fermented beverage (it is actually fermented twice, unlike wine, in order to create the bubbles) it can increase gastric acid by as much as 95%, which helps with digestion.
Here's the kicker, you have to buy the right kind. Most of us know that there is champagne and there is sparkling wine. So what's the difference? Not much, champagne can only be called that if it is from Champagne, France. Much like whiskey vs bourbon. So although the bottle may not be labeled "champagne" there are still many wineries out there that make their sparkling wine just like the French do. Even the Italian version, Spumante or the Spanish version, Cava can all provide the same benefits. So when selecting your champagne or sparkling wine next time just make sure it has one of the above labels and stay clear from the bottles labeled "effervescent" if you want to get all the health benefits.
For more information on the benefits of champagne or to find more about how to select the right bottle, visit Dr. Sear's website for the April 28th newsletter, "Break Open the Bubbly."
Come quickly, I am tasting the stars! ~ Dom Perignon, at the moment he discovered champagne
Pura Vida!
Alica Ryan, NTP
All those bottles of Veuve were good for us!! Woot.