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Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 147- Better By Dr. Brooke

I spent this last weekend in New York City and was able to briefly visit with an amazing NYC practitioner, Dr. Brooke Kalanick. At already 8 months into pregnancy, she is glowing! I love meeting practitioners that actually practice what they preach. As a practitioner that specializes in weight loss and PCOS, she herself struggled with both, well PCOS, and then her own mental issues when it comes to weight loss.

Last year Dr. Brooke joined forces with a popular NYC trainer, Joe Dowdell, to create a 16 week weight-loss book. The book targets the average, busy woman that is looking to make healthy diet and lifestyle changes that she can stick with and maintain forever. It doesn't promote a diet that leaves you hungry, tired, or unsatisfied when you are finished. Instead you will find that it provides education so that you will be able to make your own healthy choices when it comes to nutrition; providing you the support that you need on your weight-loss journey.

What I really like about this book is that it takes you beyond just dieting and nutrition, you will also learn certain exercises to do, and how common unhealthy choices can throw off the natural homeostasis in your different body systems. Basically it will give you the tools to become THE ULTIMATE YOU!

Dr. Brooke also maintains a great blog and you will regularly find her articles in top health magazines and websites. Just recently she was featured on the website Blisstree.com. For those of you that struggle to be happy and accepting of your own bodies, I strongly encourage you to read this article. Dr. Brooke is an inspirational, strong, and beautiful practitioner inside and out, and I have enjoyed having the chance to get to know her during my short trips to NYC.

Her is a sample from her Bliss Tree article:

"When my book, Ultimate You, was released last year, I was probably in my best shape ever, but despite all my efforts to “look the part,” a woman in Ohio reviewed my book on Amazon and tore me apart, saying I was too fat to have written an effective weight loss book. “If you watch the video clip here, you can see the belly fat roll and fat neck and cheeks of Dr. Kalanick, so this must not be working for her,” she said.* Her words were my worst fear was realized."

Pura Vida!
Alica Ryan, NTP

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 147- Better By Dr. Brooke

I spent this last weekend in New York City and was able to briefly visit with an amazing NYC practitioner, Dr. Brooke Kalanick. At already 8 months into pregnancy, she is glowing! I love meeting practitioners that actually practice what they preach. As a practitioner that specializes in weight loss and PCOS, she herself struggled with both, well PCOS, and then her own mental issues when it comes to weight loss.

Last year Dr. Brooke joined forces with a popular NYC trainer, Joe Dowdell, to create a 16 week weight-loss book. The book targets the average, busy woman that is looking to make healthy diet and lifestyle changes that she can stick with and maintain forever. It doesn't promote a diet that leaves you hungry, tired, or unsatisfied when you are finished. Instead you will find that it provides education so that you will be able to make your own healthy choices when it comes to nutrition; providing you the support that you need on your weight-loss journey.

What I really like about this book is that it takes you beyond just dieting and nutrition, you will also learn certain exercises to do, and how common unhealthy choices can throw off the natural homeostasis in your different body systems. Basically it will give you the tools to become THE ULTIMATE YOU!

Dr. Brooke also maintains a great blog and you will regularly find her articles in top health magazines and websites. Just recently she was featured on the website Blisstree.com. For those of you that struggle to be happy and accepting of your own bodies, I strongly encourage you to read this article. Dr. Brooke is an inspirational, strong, and beautiful practitioner inside and out, and I have enjoyed having the chance to get to know her during my short trips to NYC.

Her is a sample from her Bliss Tree article:

"When my book, Ultimate You, was released last year, I was probably in my best shape ever, but despite all my efforts to “look the part,” a woman in Ohio reviewed my book on Amazon and tore me apart, saying I was too fat to have written an effective weight loss book. “If you watch the video clip here, you can see the belly fat roll and fat neck and cheeks of Dr. Kalanick, so this must not be working for her,” she said.* Her words were my worst fear was realized."

Pura Vida!
Alica Ryan, NTP

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