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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 150- Body Positive Week

Why is it that it is so hard to find positive things to say about yourself, but we are so quick to point it out in others? I saw on the Bliss Tree website that they are honoring body positive week, so to follow their trend I am encouraging the same here on Pura Vida Nutrition. I know that today is already Thursday, so we are a little late on fully taking advantage of body positive week, but is it really ever too late to begin? And do we really only want to contain it into one week? Today I am encouraging everyone to take a minute or two to put together a list of 10 things that you love about yourself.

I am one of the most least confident people you will ever meet, and I'm going first, AND writing about it publicly. So if I can do this, then you for sure can do this as well! You can even keep the list to yourself and not show anyone, because I know how hard it is to love yourself, especially in front of others.

So here I go; 10 things I love about myself:
  1. I can push myself physically harder than most people I know
  2. My lady-like curves
  3. I enjoy real foods, and don't have a taste or addiction to the artificial counterparts
  4. I run, and running makes me happy
  5. My glass is always half full
  6. I have surrounded myself with amazing people that help me grow and who I always enjoy spending time with.
  7. My heart shaped birth mark that appears on my forehead when I cry
  8. That I cry during almost every movie, and even during the phone commercial when the girl looses her dog.
  9. That I know how to smile and laugh, ALOT
  10. That my muscles look like I could kick some butt, but truthfully I can't even open a jar of pickles.
So this may take more than a minute or two, but give it a try. I promise I won't tell anyone. For uplifting and motivational true stories from other people, visit the body positive posts on The Bliss Tree.

Pura Vida!
Alica Ryan, NTP

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 150- Body Positive Week

Why is it that it is so hard to find positive things to say about yourself, but we are so quick to point it out in others? I saw on the Bliss Tree website that they are honoring body positive week, so to follow their trend I am encouraging the same here on Pura Vida Nutrition. I know that today is already Thursday, so we are a little late on fully taking advantage of body positive week, but is it really ever too late to begin? And do we really only want to contain it into one week? Today I am encouraging everyone to take a minute or two to put together a list of 10 things that you love about yourself.

I am one of the most least confident people you will ever meet, and I'm going first, AND writing about it publicly. So if I can do this, then you for sure can do this as well! You can even keep the list to yourself and not show anyone, because I know how hard it is to love yourself, especially in front of others.

So here I go; 10 things I love about myself:
  1. I can push myself physically harder than most people I know
  2. My lady-like curves
  3. I enjoy real foods, and don't have a taste or addiction to the artificial counterparts
  4. I run, and running makes me happy
  5. My glass is always half full
  6. I have surrounded myself with amazing people that help me grow and who I always enjoy spending time with.
  7. My heart shaped birth mark that appears on my forehead when I cry
  8. That I cry during almost every movie, and even during the phone commercial when the girl looses her dog.
  9. That I know how to smile and laugh, ALOT
  10. That my muscles look like I could kick some butt, but truthfully I can't even open a jar of pickles.
So this may take more than a minute or two, but give it a try. I promise I won't tell anyone. For uplifting and motivational true stories from other people, visit the body positive posts on The Bliss Tree.

Pura Vida!
Alica Ryan, NTP

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