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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 153- The Benefits of Sex on Your Health

We already know that sex is an important part of maintaining a healthy relationship, but did you know that sex could also be very beneficial to you and your partners health as well? Here are some health reasons, why you should be having more sex.

After all a healthy lifestyle is good for a better sex life, but did we know that a healthy sex life may boost a healthier life as well?

  • A long term study done by researchers at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland took 3,500 people between the ages of 30-101 and found that regular sex may shave between four and seven years off your physical appearance. The researchers presented photos of the subjects to an impartial panel of judges, and asked them to guess their ages. Those that were judged to be the youngest were also those who had the most sex. They suspect that the relation is due to the fact that sex can boost self-esteem and confidence, as well as the fact that sex increases the production of human growth hormone, which can improve muscle tone. - info from Huffington Post
  • On average, sex can burn about 5 calories per minute (depending on weight, activity level, etc.) Kissing alone can also boost your heart rate, which increases your body's caloric burn.
  • Sex may help to fight off colds. A study done at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that college students who had sex once or twice per week had higher levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that boosts the immune system.
  • We all know that sex can reduce stress, but there was an actual study done at the University of Paisley in Scotland. Researchers had 46 men and women give speeches to an audience who where told to act bored and uninterested. Afterwards, the participants' blood pressure was taken, they found that those who had reported having sex within the last two weeks had the lowest readings. -info from Huffington Post
  • Sex maybe beneficial to your man's heart health. A study at Queens University in Belfast found that men who reported having three or more orgasms per week experienced 50% fewer heart attacks and strokes compared with those who had less frequent orgasms. This may be do to the fact that an orgasm can trigger the release of the hormone DHEA, which helps with the circulation and arterial dilation. Another study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that men with erectile dysfunction had a 58% greater risk of coronary heart disease. - info from Huffington Post
  • Can help release more sleep-inducing endorphins
  • Sex can tone the pelvic muscles that support the uterus, bladder, and bowel- leading to better pee control. - info from Women's Health
  • Organisms can release the hormone Oxytocin
  • Can help promote a more regular menstrual cycle in women that have sex at least once a week, according to the Endocrinologists at Columbia and Stanford Universities
  • The more often you have sex the more often you will continue having sex, since sex can help to produce testosterone, which is one of the primary hormones responsible for sexual desire.
  • According to the Journal of American Medical Association, the more your man ejaculates, the less likely he is to develop prostate cancer.
  • Positive mood-boosting side effects, a study at State University of New York in Albany, suggest that sex may even have antidepressant properties.
  • Lastly...why not?

Pura Vida!
Alica Ryan, NTP

1 comment:

  1. In my personal life, I find it has a huge benefit on my bi-polar disorder... the release of dopamine and other chemicals seem to have a calming feeling that lasts longer and functions better than a chemical fix


Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 153- The Benefits of Sex on Your Health

We already know that sex is an important part of maintaining a healthy relationship, but did you know that sex could also be very beneficial to you and your partners health as well? Here are some health reasons, why you should be having more sex.

After all a healthy lifestyle is good for a better sex life, but did we know that a healthy sex life may boost a healthier life as well?

  • A long term study done by researchers at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland took 3,500 people between the ages of 30-101 and found that regular sex may shave between four and seven years off your physical appearance. The researchers presented photos of the subjects to an impartial panel of judges, and asked them to guess their ages. Those that were judged to be the youngest were also those who had the most sex. They suspect that the relation is due to the fact that sex can boost self-esteem and confidence, as well as the fact that sex increases the production of human growth hormone, which can improve muscle tone. - info from Huffington Post
  • On average, sex can burn about 5 calories per minute (depending on weight, activity level, etc.) Kissing alone can also boost your heart rate, which increases your body's caloric burn.
  • Sex may help to fight off colds. A study done at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that college students who had sex once or twice per week had higher levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that boosts the immune system.
  • We all know that sex can reduce stress, but there was an actual study done at the University of Paisley in Scotland. Researchers had 46 men and women give speeches to an audience who where told to act bored and uninterested. Afterwards, the participants' blood pressure was taken, they found that those who had reported having sex within the last two weeks had the lowest readings. -info from Huffington Post
  • Sex maybe beneficial to your man's heart health. A study at Queens University in Belfast found that men who reported having three or more orgasms per week experienced 50% fewer heart attacks and strokes compared with those who had less frequent orgasms. This may be do to the fact that an orgasm can trigger the release of the hormone DHEA, which helps with the circulation and arterial dilation. Another study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that men with erectile dysfunction had a 58% greater risk of coronary heart disease. - info from Huffington Post
  • Can help release more sleep-inducing endorphins
  • Sex can tone the pelvic muscles that support the uterus, bladder, and bowel- leading to better pee control. - info from Women's Health
  • Organisms can release the hormone Oxytocin
  • Can help promote a more regular menstrual cycle in women that have sex at least once a week, according to the Endocrinologists at Columbia and Stanford Universities
  • The more often you have sex the more often you will continue having sex, since sex can help to produce testosterone, which is one of the primary hormones responsible for sexual desire.
  • According to the Journal of American Medical Association, the more your man ejaculates, the less likely he is to develop prostate cancer.
  • Positive mood-boosting side effects, a study at State University of New York in Albany, suggest that sex may even have antidepressant properties.
  • Lastly...why not?

Pura Vida!
Alica Ryan, NTP

1 comment:

  1. In my personal life, I find it has a huge benefit on my bi-polar disorder... the release of dopamine and other chemicals seem to have a calming feeling that lasts longer and functions better than a chemical fix
