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Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 242- Gym Myths

Myth #1~ Doing 500 crunches a day will get you that 6-pack stomach that you are looking for
  • Sure doing that many crunches will build your abdominal muscles, but that doesn't mean that you will be able to see them. If you really want people to see your muscle definition then it really comes down to cardio and diet. The combination of the two will help you shave off some of the unwanted fat around the mid section. There is no such thing as spot reduction through exercise. And remember that your abdominal muscles are just like any of your other muscles- in that they need a break too.

Myth #2~ Women who lift weights will get big and bulky
  • Women don't have enough testosterone naturally to become that bulky. Yes, you will develop muscle mass and increased bone strength, but the result will be a toned body, not a bulky one. Unless by chance you are taking extra steps to look that way.

Myth #3~ High reps/low weight is best
  • The only time those small pink weights should be used is maybe in an aerobics class, otherwise step up the weight! This way does not burn more fat or does the best job at toning your body. The rule of thumb is however many reps you want to do, pick a weight that fatigues you when you reach that number. If you do 12 bicep curls with good form and you can do more, increase your weight. As we mentioned before, unless it is your goal you will not get bulky.

Myth #4~ You didn't get a good workout unless you are sore the next day
  • Just by getting off the couch and doing something active you have accomplished something. You don't always have to work yourself so hard that you can't walk the next day to make it a successful workout. Being sore means that you torn muscle fibers and usually occurs if you are new to working out or if you have changed up your routine. Soreness is not a marker for how well your workout was. You may want to consider some other factors: did you sweat, did you burn more calories than you would have if you didn't work out, did it boost your mood. Exercise isn't always how it makes your body feel, it can be mental too.

Pura Vida!
Alica Ryan, NTP

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 242- Gym Myths

Myth #1~ Doing 500 crunches a day will get you that 6-pack stomach that you are looking for
  • Sure doing that many crunches will build your abdominal muscles, but that doesn't mean that you will be able to see them. If you really want people to see your muscle definition then it really comes down to cardio and diet. The combination of the two will help you shave off some of the unwanted fat around the mid section. There is no such thing as spot reduction through exercise. And remember that your abdominal muscles are just like any of your other muscles- in that they need a break too.

Myth #2~ Women who lift weights will get big and bulky
  • Women don't have enough testosterone naturally to become that bulky. Yes, you will develop muscle mass and increased bone strength, but the result will be a toned body, not a bulky one. Unless by chance you are taking extra steps to look that way.

Myth #3~ High reps/low weight is best
  • The only time those small pink weights should be used is maybe in an aerobics class, otherwise step up the weight! This way does not burn more fat or does the best job at toning your body. The rule of thumb is however many reps you want to do, pick a weight that fatigues you when you reach that number. If you do 12 bicep curls with good form and you can do more, increase your weight. As we mentioned before, unless it is your goal you will not get bulky.

Myth #4~ You didn't get a good workout unless you are sore the next day
  • Just by getting off the couch and doing something active you have accomplished something. You don't always have to work yourself so hard that you can't walk the next day to make it a successful workout. Being sore means that you torn muscle fibers and usually occurs if you are new to working out or if you have changed up your routine. Soreness is not a marker for how well your workout was. You may want to consider some other factors: did you sweat, did you burn more calories than you would have if you didn't work out, did it boost your mood. Exercise isn't always how it makes your body feel, it can be mental too.

Pura Vida!
Alica Ryan, NTP

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