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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 306- Tips to Make 2012 a Success!

We all make resolutions, but keeping these resolutions is a completely different story. I have put together some helpful tips to assist you in making 2012 a success!
  • Set Up Realistic Goals ~ Don't choose a goal that will set you up for failure. If you have never ran more than a mile in your life running a marathon next month doesn't seem very smart. Choose goals that are obtainable, but will make you work for the outcome.
  • Plan Ahead ~ Changing the way you eat? Start by removing all the foods that you plan to eliminate from your diet out of your house. That way you start the year only seeing the foods that you want to eat instead of being tempted by foods that you are avoiding. If exercise is your goal, make sure that you have all the proper gear ready to go before the new year begins; gym membership (check), tennis shoes (check), workout clothes (check).
  • Commit ~ Don't make wishywashy resolutions. Make resolutions that you are serious about. Tired of always having low energy? Decide to take the steps to make you body more energized and awake. Something that you are passionate about or something that you know would make you feel better are great resolutions to make.
  • Track Your Progress ~It is motivating to see where you started and how close you have gotten to your goals. Tracking your progress as you reach your goals helps to motivate you and keep you on track in the right direction. The scale is not always the best way to monitor weight loss. Instead take before measurements of sections of your body and record it to track inches loss as you work towards your goal. Weight can fluctuate as you loose body fat and gain muscle, so solely relying on the scale to measure improvement can cause you to become discouraged.
  • Reward Yourself ~You don't have to wait until you have completed your goal, reward your different milestones as you go. Training for a marathon? Get a massage once you break the half way mark, trust me you deserve it and your body will thank you!
  • Don't Punish Yourself ~Just because you take a wrong turn once in a blue moon doesn't mean that you should punish yourself. As I said before reward yourself during different milestones as you reach your goal, and if you fall off along the way, don't get discouraged, just get back on and keep going.
  • Don't Give Up ~ The journey to your goal may not be perfect, so don't let that convince you to give up. It will only be as hard as you make it. Going gluten free? If you slip up and eat a cookie, don't let that turn into a free-for-all and go on a gluten binge. Keep your head up and keep on truckin!
Fast Facts About New Year's Resolutions
  • 63% of people say they are keeping their resolutions after two months
  • 67% of people make three or more resolutions
  • Top four resolutions:
    1. Increase exercise
    2. Be more conscientious about work or school
    3. Develop better eating habits
    4. Stop smoking, drinking, or using drugs (including caffeine)
  • People make more resolutions to start a new habit than to break an old one.
Schwarz, Joel. "How to keep up with those New Year's resolutions, researchers find commitment is the secret of success." University of Washington. 23 December 1997. 27 Dec 2011.

Pura Vida!
Alica Ryan, NTP

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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 306- Tips to Make 2012 a Success!

We all make resolutions, but keeping these resolutions is a completely different story. I have put together some helpful tips to assist you in making 2012 a success!
  • Set Up Realistic Goals ~ Don't choose a goal that will set you up for failure. If you have never ran more than a mile in your life running a marathon next month doesn't seem very smart. Choose goals that are obtainable, but will make you work for the outcome.
  • Plan Ahead ~ Changing the way you eat? Start by removing all the foods that you plan to eliminate from your diet out of your house. That way you start the year only seeing the foods that you want to eat instead of being tempted by foods that you are avoiding. If exercise is your goal, make sure that you have all the proper gear ready to go before the new year begins; gym membership (check), tennis shoes (check), workout clothes (check).
  • Commit ~ Don't make wishywashy resolutions. Make resolutions that you are serious about. Tired of always having low energy? Decide to take the steps to make you body more energized and awake. Something that you are passionate about or something that you know would make you feel better are great resolutions to make.
  • Track Your Progress ~It is motivating to see where you started and how close you have gotten to your goals. Tracking your progress as you reach your goals helps to motivate you and keep you on track in the right direction. The scale is not always the best way to monitor weight loss. Instead take before measurements of sections of your body and record it to track inches loss as you work towards your goal. Weight can fluctuate as you loose body fat and gain muscle, so solely relying on the scale to measure improvement can cause you to become discouraged.
  • Reward Yourself ~You don't have to wait until you have completed your goal, reward your different milestones as you go. Training for a marathon? Get a massage once you break the half way mark, trust me you deserve it and your body will thank you!
  • Don't Punish Yourself ~Just because you take a wrong turn once in a blue moon doesn't mean that you should punish yourself. As I said before reward yourself during different milestones as you reach your goal, and if you fall off along the way, don't get discouraged, just get back on and keep going.
  • Don't Give Up ~ The journey to your goal may not be perfect, so don't let that convince you to give up. It will only be as hard as you make it. Going gluten free? If you slip up and eat a cookie, don't let that turn into a free-for-all and go on a gluten binge. Keep your head up and keep on truckin!
Fast Facts About New Year's Resolutions
  • 63% of people say they are keeping their resolutions after two months
  • 67% of people make three or more resolutions
  • Top four resolutions:
    1. Increase exercise
    2. Be more conscientious about work or school
    3. Develop better eating habits
    4. Stop smoking, drinking, or using drugs (including caffeine)
  • People make more resolutions to start a new habit than to break an old one.
Schwarz, Joel. "How to keep up with those New Year's resolutions, researchers find commitment is the secret of success." University of Washington. 23 December 1997. 27 Dec 2011.

Pura Vida!
Alica Ryan, NTP

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